Worldwide Shipping

Our products ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK & Asia so we can get you the product as soon as possible. Typically, we can get you the product in less than 14 business days but we like to say 10-20 to be safe. Please reach out if there are any questions.

How We Ship

We ship orders by mail service. After finishing processing your order, we will send it to the shipping company and it will be registered to outgoing. After arriving to your country it will be handled by your country's postal service. Please kindly notify us if there are any issues.

Where We Ship

We provide international shipping. However, due to security reasons we can't deliver a shipment to any military areas.

Order Delivery Time

The shipping time  will depend on your exact location. However it usually takes only 7-10 business days for shipping to the US and 10-20 business days for international shipping.

Order Tracking

We will send you the tracking code for you order to the email that you provided when placing your order. This email will also guide you on how to track your package. Please note that the tracking information will be displayed 2-5 days after you receiving that email.

[Click Here To Track Your Package]

Tracking Information

You should see tracking events within 48-72 hours after you have received the tracking number/ID. The reason for this time lag is that in most cases the first tracking event only shows up once the shipment was handed over to us. (i.e. once the shipment has left the fulfillment center of your online shop.

Shipment Status

Occasionally your shipment may be delayed. Delivery time delays can be due to (e.g. weather incidents, customs, backlogs). Please note that tracking information can be displayed after your order started being shipped.